Our Story


It all started as a what if......

What if we started a business. What if we worked together as a family. What if we sold products with kids and families in mind. What if we helped families find ways to build up the kids they know and find new ways to make some awesome family memories and supportive relationships. What if we built something we love and are passionate about. 

So what are we passionate about exactly? Kids and families!! We think kids are a blessing and they have so much to offer society, families, and every relationship they're involved in. If we take the time to really listen our kids and other peoples kids, they teach us so much.

Another thing we're passionate about is these fabulous kid's families. We know life gets super busy and it's so easy to feel the guilt set in that we're not enough. We'd love to find ways to encourage families and build up the memories and relationships we're all part of.

What if we could build up instead of tear down.....

What if ........

We're a small business loving this venture as a family supporting your family in any way we can.

If there's some way we can help you, please feel free to reach out to us.